July 15th, 2019, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
ZEsarUX v8.0 RC (2019/07/09) is released. ZEsarUX is a ZX Machines Emulator for Unix, including: ZX Spectrum ; ZX-Uno ; ZX80 ; ZX81 ; Z88 ; Jupiter Ace ; Chloe 140 SE, Chloe 280 SE ; Prism ; Timex TS 2068 ; Amstrad CPC 464. ZEsarUX is Open-Source and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
ZEsarUX Features:
* Runs on any Unix system and Windows: tested on Linux x86, Linux x86_64, Linux Raspbian, Mac OS X, Windows native, Windows + Cygwin
* Science of Cambridge MK14
* Sinclair ZX80
* Sinclair ZX81
* Spectrum models: 16k, 48k (English and Spanish), Inves Spectrum +, Spectrum 128k (English and Spanish), Spectrum +2 (English, Spanish and French), Spectrum +2A (English and Spanish), Spectrum +3 (English and Spanish), Microdigital TK90X (Portuguese and Spanish), TK95
* Sinclair QL
* Cambridge Z88
* Timex TS 2068
* Sam Coupe
* Chloe 140 SE, 280 SE
* ZX-Evolution BaseConf
* ZX-Evolution TS-Conf
* TBBlue/ZX Spectrum Next
* Jupiter Ace
* Amstrad CPC 464
* Is the only emulator for machines: ZX-Uno, Chloe 140/280, Prism, TBBlue and Chrome
* Almost perfect emulation of timing of all Spectrum machines
* Supports undocumented Z80 flags, features, and MEMPTR register
* Supports idle bus port, contended memory, ULA early/late timings
* Supports Motorola CPU 68008 (Sinclair QL)
* Supports SC/MP CPU - INS8060 (MK14)
* Supports Pentagon timing
* Supports perfect ZX Spectrum 16k/48k colour palette
* Supports ULAplus: Standard 64 colour palette, linear modes with 16 colours per pixel: Radastan Mode: 128x96, ZEsarUX modes: 256x96, 128x192, 256x192
* Supports Chroma81 ZX81 Colour mode
* Supports Spectra Video Modes
* Supports Timex Video modes (Mode 0 standard, 1 dual screen, 2 hires colour 8x1, 6 512x192 monochrome)
* Supports All Video modes from Prism machine
* Supports ZGX Sprite Chip
* Supports snow effect on Spectrum models
* Supports interlaced, scanlines and Gigascreen effects
* Supports hi-res modes on ZX Spectrum (rainbow effects and others) and ZX80/ZX81 (UDG, CHR$128, WRX, HRG and some other hi-res modes)
* Supports reducing the screen to 192x144 (0.75 scale)
* Can be used with joystick and environments without keyboard, like Raspiboy / Retropie
* Emulates all the oddities of the Inves Spectrum +: 64 KB RAM, RAM initialization with FF00H pattern, OUT ula AND RAM, EAR and MIC XOR, no contended memory, snow in border, colour ula delay, interrupt starts at end of top border (not at the beginning of the border), corrupt memory on every interrupt, no idle bus
* Uses Video drivers: X-Windows, SDL, Cocoa (Mac OS X), Framebuffer, ncurses, aalib, cacalib, stdout(console), simpletext(console)
* Uses Audio Drivers: PulseAudio, Alsa, SDL, DSP(OSS), CoreAudio (Mac OS X).
* Supports dumping audio & video to file
* Supports real tape loading of file formats: RWA, SMP, WAV, TZX, CDT, TAP, P, O. It handles loading of turbo load tapes or any type of tape loading for standard/non standard loading routines
* Handles binary tape format files (TAP, TZX, O, P, CDT) on standard BASIC ROM routines for ZX Spectrum, ZX80, ZX81, Jupiter Ace
* Handles real audio loading (RWA, SMP, WAV) on standard BASIC ROM routines for ZX Spectrum, ZX80, ZX81, Amstrad CPC, Jupiter Ace
* Simulates real tape loading on standard BASIC ROM routines for ZX Spectrum, ZX80, ZX81
* Handles snapshot format: ZSF, ZX, Z80, SP, SPG, SNA (loading only), P, O, Z81 (loading only), ACE
* Handles RZX playback
* Emulates Multiface One, 128 and Three
* Handles DCK Timex dock cartridges
* Emulates +3 Disk
* Emulates Betadisk/TR-DOS
* Emulates ZX Spectrum MMC Interfaces: ZXMMC, DivMMC
* Emulates ZX Spectrum IDE Interface: DivIDE, 8-bit simple
* Emulates Sam Coupe IDE Interface: Atom Lite
* Emulates ZXPand MMC Interface on ZX80 and ZX81
* Emulates ZX Dandanator! Mini
* Emulates Speccy Superupgrade
* Emulates Kartusho
* Handles RAM, EPROM, Intel Flash and Hybrid (RAM+EPROM) cards on Z88
* Handles compressed formats zip, tar, rar, gz through external utilities
* Supports AY Chip, Turbosound (2 AY Channels), 3 AY Channels, different DAC: Specdrum, Covox
* Supports Quicksilva, ZON-X81, and VSYNC-based sound on ZX80/81
* Supports Speaker and Soundbox sound on Jupiter Ace
* Experimental simulation of the Sam Coupe Audio Chip (SAA1099)
* Supports RAM packs on ZX80/81 up to 56 KB
* Supports RAM packs on Jupiter Ace up to 35 KB
* Joystick emulation with real joystick (on Linux) and keyboard cursors: Kempston, Sinclair 1&2, Cursor Joystick, Cursor & Shift, OPQA, Fuller, Zebra, Mikro-Gen, ZXPand. Autofire function also
* On Screen keyboard useful when playing with joystick
* Emulates Spectrum keyboard ghosting error feature
* ZX Spectrum Recreated keyboard support
* Supports native turbo modes on ZX-Uno, Chloe, Prism and TBBlue and manual for other machines
* ZX Printer emulation
* Lightgun emulation: Almost perfect emulation of Gunstick from MHT Ingenieros S.L and experimental emulation of Magnum Light Phaser
* Kempston mouse emulation
* Supports Input spool text file to simulate keyboard press
* Supports reading Pokes from .POK files
* Supports playing .AY sound files
* Supports ZEsarUX remote command protocol (ZRCP). You can do enhanced debugging on ZEsarUX by using a telnet client.
* Can use a reduced Spectrum core, with some features disables, useful on slow devices, like Raspberry Pi 1/Zero
* Powerful debug features: Registers, Dissassemble, Conditional Breakpoints using text expressions, Watches, Step-to-step, Step-over, Runto, Show TV electron position, Load source code, Hexadecimal Dump, View Sprites, Find byte (useful to find POKEs), CPU Transaction log, View BASIC, verbose messages on console
* Accessibility support: Print char traps allows to capture generated text from almost any program or game, using standard ROM calls (RST 10H) or even non standard print character rutines. Can send generated text from a game to a text-to-speech program. It's ready for text to speech support for blind or visually impaired people. Menu emulator can be also read by a text-to-speech program.
* Simulates upper RAM memory refresh on Spectrum 48Kb, losing its contents when changing R register very quickly
* Supports command line settings, configuration file settings and per-game configuration settings
* Other features: Visualmem menu, CPU Statistics
* Includes three easter eggs: Can you find them? 
ZEsarUX changelog:
Improved menu interface:
-Program Window can be extended horizontally and have a right region to place menu zxvision windows (called ZX Desktop)
-Draw engine: now it allows transparency
-Menu windows can be placed and resized to the whole program window
-Some windows geometry (position, size) are saved in the configuration
-Hotkeys now show right capitalization (lowercase or uppercase)
-Edit box now has a key to delete all input (cursor down)
-Edit box can now move cursor left and right and write text in the middle
-GUI color bars depend on current style
-Added support for more cyrillic characters on menu
-Added RetroMac Gui Style
-Improved footer:
--Footer now completely follows GUI Style
--Reordered cpu use, numbers in red when cpu use > 85%
--Now shows cpu temperature on Linux (and not only on Raspbian as before)
Added Real time playback from AY Chip sound to external MIDI device
Added menu to export AY chip music to midi (.mid) file
Added AY Sheet: showing a sheet with the notes being played
Added AY mixer menu
Added DAAD, PAWS and Quill debugger, for Spectrum and CPC (CPC only supports Daad debugger)
Added text adventure keyboard also on CPC
Added colors to ncurses driver and Chloe machine
Added Chloe MMU to ZX-Uno
Added Derby+ and Derby++ roms
Added hdf to ide/mmc raw converter
Added hdf support to MMC emulation
Improved breakpoint parser:
-full expression parser: parenthesis, functions, sums, multiplications, etc. Can be used as a full calculator!
-now it's a lot more faster. Up to 7 times faster, so it uses 7 times less cpu than the old version
Improved watches:
-using new expression parser
-up to 10 watches on screen
-watches are saved on configuration file
Improved Adventure Text Extractor: now it supports Daad games too. So it supports Daad, Paws, Quill and Gac
Improved Visualmem: now you can see all 3 different access (write, read, opcode) at once, generating a RGB color
Improved Waveform window: now the wave adjusts automatically to the zxwindow size
Improved Hexadecimal editor: now it resizes view to zxwindow height
Improved TSConf layers menu: Added "reveal" setting to view which pixels are used by a layer
Improved Scale 0.75 function: now it has antialias
Improved Cpu Transaction Log: now logfiles can be rotated automatically
Fixed Pentagon interrupt handling: now effects on border and hi-res work almost perfect!
Fixed interrupt bug behaviour where last opcode lasts >=32 t-states and interrupt in the middle
Fixed "Jeff Braine" manufacturer to "New Horizons". Changed Prism machine name to "Prism 512"
Fixed bug having more than 256 text to adventure keyboard words
Fixed bug on CPC vertical scrolling
Fixed segmentation fault bug when drawing CPC machine
Fixed segmentation fault bug when displaying first aid messages
Fixed bug redrawing zx80/81 display, with realvideo disabled, and menu char width less than 8
Fixed bug drawing menu window boxes when char width less than 8
Fixed zxvision left button handling: no longer sends enter when the user is dragging the window
Fixed machine names to be completely right: for example, "Spectrum 48k" becomes "ZX Spectrum 48k", etc
Fixed saving sprites when memory zone is not default zone
Fixed bug when writing divmmv memory on Chloe machine and underlying RAM in space 0000-3fffh become overwritten
Fixed bug crash when a message error was generated from ZRCP and menu had a tooltip open
For more information and downloads, click here!
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