April 4th, 2006, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted all these new toys
OnePiece Mini Weapon w. Candy Display(10 pcs pack)

A set of 10 mini weapon from OnePiece series. Includes candys!
Leiji Matsumoto Arms w. candy (10 pcs. set)

A set of 10 pieces from Leiji Matsumoto Arms. Includes candy!
Onimusha Arms w. candy Collections vol1 (8 in set)

8 weapons from Onimusha Arms with candies included in the packing. Volume 1 by Capcom.
Dragon Ball Z Imagination Figure 7 (6 sets in 1 pack)

A set of 6 official action figures from Dragon Ball Z. This is pack 7 from Bandai.
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April 7th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: zx-81
Hi All,
PSP-FTPD is a simple FTP server for the PSP. It was originally written by PSPKrazy, and then improved by Raf (PSPDEV environnement compilation).
It permits to send and retrieve files or complete directories to and from your PSP without any cables, using your Wireless connection (WIFI), with a FTP
client on your PC such as Filezilla (see http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/).
Here is the list of the new features and changes i've done for this version :
- A menu to select your WIFI Access point.
- A really working multi-threaded version that can handle several client at the same time, and exit properly.
- Removing all user/password security check stuff (useless for file transfert between a PC and a PSP).
- Capability to rename files (FTP commands RNFR and RNTO)
- Capability to download or upload recursively a complete directory
- Many bug fixes.
- Working version for 2.5FW (and i hope for 2.6 FW)
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Filezilla on Windows.
A binary version for 2.x FW and sources are included in the following zip archive.
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April 8th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: zx-81
Hi All,
Here is a new release (and i hope the last) of PSP-FTPD a FTP server for your PSP.
It permits to send and retrieve files or complete directories to and from your PSP without any USB cables,
using your Wireless connection (WIFI), with Internet Explorer or a FTP client on your PC.
What's new in version 0.3.1 :
- Bug fix in rename command, RNFR handshake message was not strictly compliant with the RFC,
and it wasn't understood by IExplorer.
- Capability to specify in a configuration file (psp-ftpd.cfg), a couple user/password for FTP authentication.
- Binary version for 1.5FW
- Improve transfert rate (500kbps from PSP->PC, 200kbps from PC->PSP)
- Increase wifi connection delay (should be easier to connect to your router)
- Add usefull informations in the README file (so please read it)
How to use it ?
Run PSP-FTPD on your PSP, and choose your wifi access point using arrow and press X to validate.
After few seconds, you should see the message "FTP Server is now running on
(with the IP address of your connection)
If you use anonymous connection (without any password in the psp-ftpd.cfg file) then you can access
your PSP using Internet Explorer with the previous URL (
If you use authentication, you have to specify user and password in the URL, for example :
When you have finished to transfert, rename, remove etc ... files on your PSP,
you can press the [] key to close the connection and go back to the eloader.
Finally ?
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in this zip archive.
Enjoy, Zx.
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April 9th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: zx-81
Hi All,
Here is a fast new release of PSP-FTPD the FTP server for your PSP.
What's new in version 0.3.2 :
- Capability to specify in a configuration file (psp-ftpd.cfg), a root directory for the ftp server, to prevent ftp clients to access all the content of your memory stick. See the psp-ftp.cfg file for the syntax (The file format has changed !).
- Improve transfert rate: 500kbps from PSP->PC and 350kbps from PC->PSP using Filezilla. DON'T USE Internet Explorer if you expect high transfert rates, use rather Filezilla or other suitable FTP clients.
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.
As always, two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in this zip archive.
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April 10th, 2006, 13:20 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have in Stock the newer version of the GBA:

This is the latest version of GBA SP which equiped with a brighter backlit screen. The new system features with incredible brightness and clarity in its display right from the start, and the improvement becomes even more obvious with each game you stick in the system. The center button that's used to turn on and off the front light of the original GBA SP is now used to switch between two levels of brightness on the updated model.
The new model GBA SP comes in a redesigned clamshell case with a screen that flips up (just like a lot of mobile phones). Further finally Nintendo has added the so much missing Frontlit. Last but not least the GBA SP comes with a rechargeable lithium-ion battery as standard, providing the unit with 10 hours of battery life with the light on and 18 hours of play with it off.
This stylish new unit measures 82 x 84.6 x 24.3mm, weights 143g only and plays back all usual Game Boy Advance and of course also standard Game Boy (Color) games.
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April 10th, 2006, 20:27 Posted By: zx-81
Hi All,
I've just released the version 1.0.6 of the PSP TI-92 calculator.
What's new in this version ?
- Using LTRIGGER + X key, you can now have the LCD of the TI-92 in full screen, much more convenient to play TI-92 games .
- A simple but usefull TI-92 application called "auto close braquets" has been added in the package (found on ticalc.org web site).
I remember you that PSPXTI version prior to 1.0.4 are buggy and computation errors may occurs, so please update to earlier releases.
Many TI92 stuff can be found on the following urls :
http://www.ticalc.org, and on the texas instruments web site http://education.ti.com
You need the rom of your TI-92 or TI-92 plus, but it is NOT part of the PSPXTI package because it is the property of Texas Instruments !
This version works with 2.xFW. and 1.5FW.
It's distributed under GNU licence and sources are included.
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April 10th, 2006, 23:02 Posted By: zx-81
Hi All,
Here is a new release of PSP-FTPD the FTP server for your PSP.
What's new in version 0.3.3 :
You can now specify several user names, passwords and root directories
in a configuration file (psp-ftpd.cfg) in order to host a FTP server
with multi-user and multi root/home directories .
See the psp-ftp.cfg file for the exact syntax on a simple example.
Finally ?
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in this zip archive.
I don't think i will work much more on this homebrew, it seems to be stable and with enough features.
May be a real GUI is missing ... but not for tomorrow
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April 11th, 2006, 13:05 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
M3 adapter comes now in 3 versions:
CF version, SD version and the NEW Mini SD version.
The new Mini SD version is very small, but only compatible with Mini SD Format. The SD version is a bit bigger (still quite small though), however, it is compatible with both SD and Mini SD cards thanks to an adapter included with the SD version.

Overview of the product
M3 Adapter is made for those who want to download freeware games, movies and music from a PC to a GBA(SP) and/or Nintendo DS. You can use your PC and normal Compact Flash Card Reader to transfer and convert you movie & music files to the Compact Flash Cards. Then, insert M3 Adapter with CF/SD Card into GBA(SP) or
Nintendo DS, and the files will be available after boot up of the console.
Its features are just the same as any other MP3 Player on the market but also playing games and movies instead of playing music only.
One of the coolest features of an M3 Adapter is that you can directly run third
party software on it – that includes emulators of the video game system.
This is the new SMALL version of the SD adapter.
Specifications & extra information
Compatible with all GBA games without any patching required and without any
problem during gameplay. NDS games require patching.
Excellent Save compatibility. It support all saves types with the RTC function.
Capacity is very flexible and only depends on the card you use, which now are up to 4GBypte (32Gbit) on the market.
GOLDEN FINGER (CHEAT Code ) employs the IPS system that prevails in the world, with more diverse and powerful distinctive functions than CHT. The unique Auto IPS feature completely prevents computer crash.
With unique Super Real Time Save Function, easily operates and it can revive without limits.
CF/SD card +Reader can be used as a U disk and it only needs drag here and there when the game is burning.
Saves money: CF/SD card can also be used in digital camera and other products, and you can share your card as you need it without the need to buy a dedicated card for your NDS/GBA.
Supports GBA Games, FC games, Emulator games, GBA Movies, E-book, Cartoon books, browse pictures, enjoy music and so on.
Supports 4-key reboot to Rom menu function, and supports 4-key reboot beginning function.
Very safe for your CF/SD card.
Buy at Divineo China
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April 11th, 2006, 13:18 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Unlikely battles seem to be bread and butter of crossover titles like Capcom Vs SNK 2. The nagging uncertainty about who will come out victorious when Beat'em Up universes clash, led renowned Japanese toy manufacturer High Dream to release a series of very poseable deluxe figures to honor legendary heroes of both Capcom's Street Fighter and SNK's King of Fighters. These fantastic sculpts feature great detail, a fine paint-job and over 24 (!) points of articulation. New in stock is the second production run of Ryu, Ken, Kyo and Iori, which were quickly sold out due to ultra-high demand upon their initial introduction to the Japanese market. From prototype to final product, you can see the immense amount of dedication that went into these high-quality figures. Please click on images for a larger view.
Each of the Beat'em Up characters comes with several accessories, like replaceable hands, weapons, headbands, belts, flames and such. These incredible figures are ready for display right out of the box and stand approx. 18 cm (7 inches) tall. Now it's Ryu's Hadoken vs Kyo's R.E.D. Kick, let them battle it out right in your gaming room!
Stage an up-to-now unthinkable encounter, a tag-team fight with both Street Fighter and King of Fighters heroes letting loose dynamite supers, battling side by side! Finally, Iori will be able to show why his last name translates to "Eighth God" in Japanese, facing martial artists from an arena quite different than his. A situation like that is a long way from Neo Geo days indeed. These awesome figures capture all the glory of both Beat'em Up series, offering a more tangible way to have the fighting celebrities around.
Explosive on-screen action personified got modeled here into one superb line of Action Figures, which come very close to their in-game counterparts. Shipping within 24 hours for just US$ 19.95 each, these are perfect for both Beat'em Up fans and figure collectors and sure will spice up your gaming dojo or Street Fighter/KOF shrine good.
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April 14th, 2006, 00:42 Posted By: zx-81
Hi all,
Here is a new release of the HP48 calculator emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.4 :
- Load external application or game files and libraries !!! (with .48 and .lib file extentions).
- Hardware reset of the HP48 (inside the application file selector window)
- Add usefull informations in the README file, and in particular all steps to load application or game files (so please read it )
The HP48 documentation is there : user guide
As far as i know Helwet Packard graciously began allowing HP48 bios to be downloaded in 2000
(you need it, but it is NOT part of my PSPX48 package because it's not GNU !).
This rom can easily be found here : hpcalc
As always, the package is under GPL Copyright and sources are included.
edit: using the pspx48-mem-slots.zip file, you can add two memory slots of 128k to your HP48 
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April 15th, 2006, 12:12 Posted By: zx-81
Hi All,
Here is a new release of PSP-FTPD the FTP server for your PSP.
What's new in version 0.3.4 :
- Add a background image designed by Cortès the Killer
- Diplay IP address of the last connected FTP Client
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file.
Finally ?
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in this zip archive.
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April 19th, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK posted this new item, heres the details:

20 16Bits games are included in 1 cartridge
Number of videogames with just one single purchase
For One Station Game Console only
Game list:
Tiger rescue
Final escape
Make way
Lucky Que
Get the Meet
Pool pro
The Lost World
Super Move Quest
Deep Storm
Pinball Fish
Jewel Fever 2
Dream Bubble
Busy Bong
Magic Jelly
Mr. Onion
Go, Smile
Seek the Resources
They are also doing 4 new carts with up to 50 games on.
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April 24th, 2006, 09:04 Posted By: zx-81

Hi All,
Caprice32 is one of the best emulator of the Amstrad CPC home computer series running
on Windows and Unix, written by Ulrich Doewich.
This emulator faithfully imitates the CPC464, CPC664, and CPC6128 models (see <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/caprice32">caprice32 project</a>)
I've sucessfully modified, fixed bugs and port the source code of the 4.2.0 version using PSPSDK
environment. It's now working fine on PSP !
It has been developped on linux for Firmware 2.5 using the great GTA eloader (0.97)
from http://www.fanjita.org/, but it should work properly on other firmwares.
I've integrated a 1.5FW binary version (kxploit).
How to use it ? Everything is in the README file.
This package is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.
This version is an update of the v1.0.1 and here is the change log :
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April 24th, 2006, 09:09 Posted By: zx-81
Hi All,
Here is a new release of PSP-FTPD the FTP server for your PSP.
What's new in version 0.3.5 :
- Ask and wait for the user to set the wifi switch on
- Retry to connect to the wifi access point when an error occured on startup.
- The user can stop the wifi access point connection using [] key
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file.
Finally ?
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included.
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April 25th, 2006, 23:02 Posted By: zx-81

Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.3 :
- Full Speed Emulation, due to several optimizations :
> Z80 emulation code (rewrite instructions decoder part)
> Display/graphic functions improvements
- Add a "frame skip" option in the emulator menu
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file !
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in the zip archive.
This package is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.
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April 27th, 2006, 23:09 Posted By: zx-81

Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.4 :
- New Speed optimization (frame display)
- Bug fix in PSP Clock Frequency option. Now it works and at 333Mhz the emulator
is going faster than ever !
- Add Load/Save/Del states menu
- Shortcut to run the "Cat" command
- Shortcut to RUN" after disk loading
(when program to run has the same name as the archive file)
- Automatic keyboard file loading
(when keyboard file has the same filename as disk or snapshot file)
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file !
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in the zip archive.
This package is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.
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