VecX emulates the Vectrex game console on systems such as Linux and Windows.
It has been written by Valavan Manohararajah.
PSP-VE is a port on PSP of one latest version of VecX.
What's new then ?
- Major speed improvements :
+ 6809 emulation
+ vector rendering
+ remove vector cash (buggy and time consuming)
- Sound emulation completly rewritten and inspired
from 8910 driver of xmame.
- The rotate 90' view is now much faster and it is used
as default render mode.
- Save state modification, it is now faster to save state
(but previously saved games are not compatible with this
new version !)
- Add .vec and .gam file extention as valid rom extention
- Add option to change color between gray and blue
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Thanks to Raven for the eboot icon's stuff.
Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public licence v2, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.