April 1st, 2007, 18:20 Posted By: zx-81

Hi All,
For those who haven't seen the previous version, Dropbear is a small
SSH2 Server and Client running on a variety of POSIX-based platforms.
It has been mainly developed by Matt Johnston
(see matt's web site).
PSPSSH is a port of the version 0.48.1 to the PSP.
If you wonder what a SSH client is, this homebrew is useless for you ...
* Change log : *
What's new in version 1.0.3 :
- New Danzeff keyboard layout
(alt keys are now available)
- New option to save the vt100 screen as a text file.
- New login menu
(more friendly, and with new options)
- Improve vt100 emulation
(for example, the nano editor works fine now)
- As Matt Johnston advice me, i've added a new
initial random seed generation, using keystroke latency
(you have now to press psp keys randomly,
the first time you run pspssh).
- bug fix in random number generator
- bug fix in key send function
- bug fix in vt100 emulator
* Credits and license : *
The terminal Vt100 emulation part of PSPSSH is based on the work
of Danzel for his Telnet client for PSP.
This software is distributed under several open-source/free software
licenses, and mainly the MIT/X Consortium License.
See LICENSE.txt file for all details and information about it.
It has been developed on linux for Firmware 1.5 and 3.03-OE.
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Thanks to Matt Johnston for Dropbear, to Danzel and Jeff Chen for their virtual keyboard,
thanks once more to Danzel for the VT100 emulation, and thanks to all PSPSDK coders.
Special thanks to Cool Matty for his feedback !
For more information and downloads, click here!
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