December 17th, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: zx-81

Hi All,
GNU-Go is an ASCII command line GO game running on MacOS X,
Windows and many Unix systems. (see GNU go Web Site)
It has been written by Man Li, Wayne Iba, Daniel Bump, David Denholm,
Gunnar Farneback, Nils Lohner, Jerome Dumonteil, Tommy Thorn, Nicklas
Ekstrand, Inge Wallin, Thomas Traber, Douglas Ridgway, Teun Burgers,
Tanguy Urvoy, Thien-Thi Nguyen, Heikki Levanto, Mark Vytlacil, Adriaan van
Kessel, Wolfgang Manner, Jens Yllman, Don Dailey, Mans Ullerstam, Arend
Bayer, Trevor Morris, Evan Berggren Daniel, Fernando Portela, Paul
Pogonyshev, S.P. Lee and Stéphane Nicolet and Martin Holters.
I've sucessfully ported the source code of the latest version 3.6 of GNU-Go,
and i've added a real Graphical User interface and it's now working fine on PSP !
It has been developped on linux for Firmware 1.5 and i hope it works also
for 2.x using the great eloader (0.99x) from http://www.noobz.eu/.
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
Special thanks to all PSPSDK and GNU-Go developpers.
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