Here is a fast new release of PSP-FTPD the FTP server for your PSP.
What's new in version 0.3.2 :
- Capability to specify in a configuration file (psp-ftpd.cfg), a root directory for the ftp server, to prevent ftp clients to access all the content of your memory stick. See the psp-ftp.cfg file for the syntax (The file format has changed !).
- Improve transfert rate: 500kbps from PSP->PC and 350kbps from PC->PSP using Filezilla. DON'T USE Internet Explorer if you expect high transfert rates, use rather Filezilla or other suitable FTP clients.
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.
As always, two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in this zip archive.