June 30th, 2010, 12:38 Posted By: zx-81

Hi All,
ColEm is one of the best emulator of the ColecoVision videogame system running
on FreeBSD, HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, and other Unix systems.
There are also ports to MacOS, MSDOS, Windows, OS/2, PocketPC and other systems.
See http://fms.komkon.org/ColEm/ for further informations.
Pandora-Colem is a port on Pandora of my previous Wiz port version of ColEm.
What's new in version 1.1.0 (compared to original version) :
- File requester with real and virtual keyboard to choose
sequentially rom files beginning with a given letter
- Thumbnail images for save states & file requester
- Save state files use gzip compression (with STZ as file extention).
You can use gzip or 7-zip to convert old STA to STZ.
STA file format is still supported for loading, so you
convert your previous saved files inside the emulator.
- Cheat support !
- Memory monitoring engine to find your own cheat code !
- Text editor to modify the global cheat.txt file
- Text editor to write your own comments on games
- Display first comment line while browsing game files
- Auto fire support for second joystick
- Zip rom files are decompressed in memory
- Add documentation for settings in help menu
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
- Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed
can now be directly modified inside the emulator
(no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state
(no need to enter in the main menu)
- Add ntsc/pal option
Sources are included, read COPYING.txt & README file for more information about it.
Here is a full working PND version & source code :
For more information and downloads, click here!
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