This is an automated message generated by’s RHDNBot.
The following Translations have been submitted and approved to the database (in submitted order oldest to newest):
Kanon (English)(Complete)(PC)
Sorcerian (English)(Incomplete)(GEN)
Flashback Legends (English)(Complete)(GBA)
Yugekitai Kakuto Hen ~Saikyou Kami Fukkatsu Yuki Kan~ (English)(Complete)(PC98)
The Acala Legend (English)(Complete)(NES)
Zone of the Enders (Spanish)(In Progress)(PS2)
Shinsenden (English)(Complete)(NES)
Spooky Kitaro in the Yokai World (English)(Complete)(NES)
Policenauts (English)(Complete)(PSX)
AGALTA (English)(In Progress)(PC98)