Today is a very special day. My very good friend Buzz (see has just finished a first beta prototype of his Irda Joy Pad stuff.
He has spent all his spare time from many weeks to design a wireless paddle / joystick device for the PSP (FAT) using IRDA port. I was in charge of the software and he wrote the driver and designed the PCB and program the PIC micro-controller.
This Irda Joy Pad device allow you to connect any DB9 joystick or Paddle to the PSP. It offers the best old-school portable emulation you'd never dream.
Here is a snapshot of the Printed Circuit Board :
If you have any electronic skills and if you want to design your own, you may find all documentation, PCB layout and source code on Buzz's web site
Here is a demo of a modified version of PSP Magic using paddles connected to Irda Joy Pad :