Someone (he wants to stay anonymous) just send me a mp about emulator porting on the PSP.
His question is interesting and might help other coders who want to begin to port something to PSP.
If you have any comment or question, please feel free to ask on this topic
Chip 8 is a good start. You should first of all be able to re-compile the emu on the good OS (i'm using linux, so i port only emulator running on linux).
Then, when you're able to compile and run the emulator on your PC, then you can start to port it to PSP (using cygwin etc ...).
The first task is to write a makefile, and comment out all no-psp code inside the source (such a graphical part, sound part etc ...). At the end of this first step you should have a non-working emulator, but a first prototype that you can compile for the PSP.
Then you add the main() function using PSP stuff (see ps2dev for details) to create user thread etc ... and to call the old_main function of the chip 8 emulator.
Then you will have to replace all the source code you've commented out, and rewrite the sound and graphical port (using SDL for example).