Here is the first beta (v0.1) release of GPSFS_util.
As I was hinting it for some time now, it can analyze and recompress as well as omit tiles/levels etc...
( Like you have a 2GB map, but for sure you are not using some parts of it as they are things like
ocean or mountain areas with no roads and you are not a hiking-kind-a-guy or shady parts of town
which you will never ever visit etc... ), so you would love to save some memorystick space by removing
all those "never to be used" tiles, individually. Or, say, you downloaded a map of Paris and turns out
that your map is 9.2GB and you don't have a memorystick which can hold all of it and you are looking
for ways to reduce the size to 300MB even if it involves removing entire levels and sacrificing quality.
GPSFS_util can do all of those...
Double click on the window title bar for detailed how-tos...
PS: You may need to copy the jpeg62.dll to your C:\WINDOWS directory or where you put the GPSFS_util progam...
Let me know if you have trouble running it...
The below file is outdated and is here only for archival reasons...