fMSX is a famous emulator of the MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ 8bit home computers.
It runs MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ software on many different platforms including Windows and Unix.
See for further informations.
It has been first written by Marat Fayzullin, and later Vincent van Dam ported it on SDL.
Here is a port on GP2X-F100 of the version i've previously ported to PSP.
Many new features have been added compared to GP2X-F100 version.
Here is a copy of the changelog :
- Cheat support !
- New background images
- Text editor to write your own comments on games
- Text editor to modify the global cheat.txt file
- Display first comment line while browsing game files
- Memory monitoring engine to find your own cheat code !
- Zip rom files are now decompressed in memory (much faster !)
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
It's distributed under Marat Fayzullin's license for the original MSX part, and under GNU license for all the GP2X part.