Posted By: wraggster
Continuing our network wide feature for just about every console thats emulated and that we own, in time it can be used as a reference point for people to look at what games are the very best on each system
Firstly heres a look at each system and a description to remind you of the history of the console.

Commodore 64GS
In 1982 a low cost home computer was released and achieved amazing success. The computer was called the Commodore 64.
By 1990, Commodore set their attentions on the videogame console market. They followed the same concept as other computer companies (Fujitsu with the FM Towns Marty, and before that the Amstrad GX400, and the Amiga CD32). Their new system was called the Commodore 64GS (GS = Game System). This unit was basically just a repackaged Commodore 64 computer without a keyboard, port access (Disk drive, etc), or standard ROM chip. Cartridges were loaded through the top port, and the machine came packaged with a joystick and a couple of games to get you started.
Since the console was essentially a computer in new skin, it was compatible with all existing Commodore 64 carts. The Commodore 64GS also spurred development of newer cartridges released specifically for the console.
The C64GS never achieved the level of success that it's computer big brother did. For a little more money you could own the Commodore 64 computer (cheaper by this time) and still play the same carts, a vast library of disk / cassette games (Not to mention other computer perks). The console suffered poor sales and was pulled from store shelves. It was never released outside of Europe.
However Commodore still did not learn their lesson in the console arena. They promptly tried to introduce the C64GS to the Danish market in 1991. Priced at just £99.99 the console was packaged with a joystick and a cartridge containing International Soccer, Klax, Flimbo's Quest and Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O'Fun.
Eventually Commodore was bought out by a German company, and the console became a memory.
Commodore 64GS would have done far better if released shortly after the Commodore 64 computer. If released sooner it would have given the Nintendo Entertainment System a run for it's money both graphically, and with the sheer size of it's software library. It was pretty sleek looking too....ah well...
FACT: The Commodore 64GS may not have succeeded in the console market, but it's creation did help bring Commodore users (particularly in Europe) more cartridge titles to enjoy.
Whats the greatest C64 Game Ever ?
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