April 12th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: Bobby Lemain
This is a list of things of what not to do and what TO do incase your like me and started up a case mod
Bobby's spray painting tut for noobs by .... a noob
-Dont ever touch your project to check if its dry, wait... just wait
-Read the directions on the can
-for sanding use 350+ or if you really dont want to mess up anthing, 1000+ grit paper
-use paint that is for polycorbinate (plastics) ~i recomend krylon fusion as it doesnt need primer or bonding agents
-do not paint when it is cold or when it is raining
-do not let a new coat dry over night as it will probably get fogged up and stay like that
-make sure there is NO grease on your project, clean it with someting...
-if you touch your project before it is totally dry and gets all gummy, you have fallen into a hole and will probably have to wait till it is fully dry, then you will have to sand down everyhting untill you are at ground zero
-for really smooth sanding if you cannot find high grit sand paper, get 220 grit and a can of brasso. Sand it down with the 220, get a mask, put it on, then use the brasso on a rag and rub away untill it no longer looks wet (let it dry completely before puting a new coat on it)
-to get a finer mist and higher pressure soak your cans in warm, not hot water, for 5-10 min
-when painting wear goggles so your eyes dont go blind, wear a mask so you dont coat your lungs with un in haleable chemicals which will stay in your lungs forever, and wear gloves so you dont get paint on your hands and nails
-be patient
-dont put too much paint on at one time or you will get drips and runs
-paint in fine coats over and over again to get a nice smooth finish
-if have to sand down everything use a toothpick or some other small hard item to get the paint out of the mic and power light sections
~note:this info was taken from multiple websites and compiled for use on a ds
My case mod:
lol i like red... 
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