September 30th, 2007, 20:56 Posted By: Bobtentpeg
This as made possible by the greatest coders the PSP scene has ever made, I and all of use owe a great deal to them.
Making The Pandoras Battery and Memory Stick
If you already have one, skip this step and preceed to the next part
Obtain the following
1. A bricked PSP
2. A nonbricked PSP that can run homebrew; 256+mb MS PRO DUO. non PRO will not work
3. A battery
4. Download this : http://dl.qj.net/dl.php?fid=14414
unrar it with winrar

move the "Pandorasbox Setup.exe" into C:/

Start it
press Install.

Now find the folder that you extracted originally and double click the "Shortcut to Pandora's Box.exe"

Click Pandora's Battery REquirements; make sure you meet them

press OK
Click on Pandora's Box Easier-Installer For Pandora's Battery
You should get a Command Window

press 1 then enter
If you ant to save the files on yur Memory Stick, do so now.
Now enter your PSPs drive letter. Just the letter no : or :/. Im my case its G
Now insert the memory stick you wish to use as the Pandora's MAgic MS
Press 1 then Enter
Press Y then Enter

This WILL erase your memory stick, and all files will be lost. dont say i didnt warn you
AFter you press Y you should see the following SCreen

press 1 then Enter if you do, if not, retry
Exit USB
Remove then replace your MS
RE-enter USB mode
Press 1 then Enter
You should get the following screen

if so, press 1 then Enter, if not, restart at beginning
Now put the battery you wish to use as your Pandora's Magic Battery in your PSP.
press 1 then enter
Exit USB
Go to Game on your memory stick and launch "Pandora's Battery Creator"

After program has loaded press triangle
Press 1 then Enter
It should say dumping, then done and exit.

REstart "Pandora's Battery Creator"
Press X

Should say done and exit

Press 1 then Enter
now start "Pandoras Battery Firm. Installer

press X
It will display the following screen then exit
RE-enter USB mode
Press 1 the Enter
You should se the following screen

Press 1 then Enter 2 times
Press Y then Enter
Should See Following Screen

Press 1 the Enter***
Your done with this step, move on to the next***
Modifying The Memory Stick files to work as an Unbricker
Download the 3.71 , 3.40, and 1.50 eboots 3.71 Here 3.40 here(Rename to 340.PBP) and 150 Here(rename to 150.PBP
Place it on the root of your MS.

Download this
Extract it and place the despertar_cementerio in PSP/GAME

Run the program

(if you get the Needs firmwre 271 or higher message, go into recovery mode and turn GAME FOLDER KERNEL to 3.XX)
Press X
Now you have the Battery and Memory Stick needed to unbrick a PSP.[/size][/color]
Unbricking The PSP
Put the Battery and MS in the PSP you wish to unbrick
(On slim you won't see menu, remember that)
- Press X to install 3.71M33. On slim (blind installation), you will see orange led flashing, that means that 371.PBP is being written. When finished, orange and green leds will be flashing, done artificially by the program to know that it's working. On fat, once finished, you will have to press X to shutdown. Restart manually,
get BSOD, press O and you will be on 3.71m33.
- Press O to install original 3.71 (rest of the process as the X option)
- Press [] to dump nand to nand-dump.bin. When done, psp will auto shutdown.
- Press L+R+HOME+start to restore nand from nand-dump.bin
For more information and downloads, click here!
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