Miemt PSP Dev Site is a site that gathers all the PSP emulator and homebrew releases from Miemt11, Part of the
DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.
Miemt11`s Development
Name PMP Simple Converter 0.08 for PMP Mod
Description Miemt11 has released his PMP Simple Converter for PMP
Mod, version 0.08. PMP Simple Converter for PMPMOD is a video converter
for the full resolution media player PMP Mod. Here is the release info from
the author:
¨C What can it do?
Convert any video (rmvb, avi, mpg, wmv, asf, vob, mov) to PSP PMP format.
Change since version 0.07 (small update)
1: Allow you to direct transfer of your encoded PMP video to PSP
2: add a short-cut to open your PSP Video folder
3: minor fix

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