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Interview with: Lord Cheese
Date: 2001
The Interview
Wraggster: Where was you born, live and family details etc?
Lord Cheese: I was born, and currently live in Dublin, Ireland. I also attended
there, and am going to college in dublin too at the end of september
Wraggster: What made you get into computers and what qualifications do
you have?
Lord Cheese:computers sorta just happened. i got a megadrive for christmas
one year,
and got hooked :) a PC came soon after, and well, I just liked them and
got interested.
As for qualifications, I have 0 :)
Wraggster: What made you get into the Dreamcast Homebrew scene?
Lord CheeseI always liked Sega's consoles and the Dreamcast was a nice piece
of hardware, so I thought it would be good to get into. However, I don't
really have the time to code demos for the dreamcast, which I would love
to do soon enough.
Wraggster: What projects are you working on at the moment?
Lord Cheese:just Dreamemu atm
Wraggster: Do you see an update to your great project?
Lord Cheese: yeah, ive been updating quite a bit lately, and there will
be more to
come :)
Wraggster: What emulators would you like to either try or see comeout on
Lord Cheese:there has been a bit of a flood of emulator ports onto the dreamcast,
which i suppose is both good and bad. if I had to shoose, id like to see
a port of ePSXe or FPSE, and prehaps a HLE N64 emulator
Wraggster:With Bleemcast being released and the great success at getting
playstation emu on the Dreamcast,what other high end systems do you see
being emulated?
Lord Cheese: there is a limit to what you can do. its not like a pc where
u can constantly
upgrade. In my own opinion, a N64 emulator could be obtainable, but using
very high-level
emulation techniques and good expolitation of the powervr chip. i doubt
newer could be got to run at a suitable speed, tho you can never know :)
Wraggster: what is your favourite game of all time
Lord Cheese:i dont think i have a fav game - there are alot of great games
out there
that i have played, and some are better than others in some parts and vice-versa.
final fantasy VII in particular had a profound effect on me.
Wraggster:How do you see the future as regards to which system will be the
main one for homebrew coders like your self?
Lord Cheese:for demo development, is depends on how easily to dev for it.
GBA seems
to have a really kick-ass scene at the moment. dreamcast is a very accessible
machine to
code (no modchips etc.) but hasnt really taken off. nintendo console usually
have a strong
homebrew following, so the gamecube homebrew scene could be interesting
to watch.
Wraggster: What software would you like to see on the dreamcast? for example
mp3 players etc?
Lord Cheese:i guess just some more really excellent software titles, but
prehaps a
music player with some wacky visual display while its being displayed would
be cool
Wraggster: Does it inspire you to progress further with Dreamemu now that
have competition?
Lord Cheese:yeah, competition is a major player. back when it was just dreamemu
dreamer, i wasnt really that motivated.now with boobcast (and dreamer's
commercial game support) showing so much promise, i have to work hard to
beat their asses (sorry cyrus/elsemi :)!